Starter kit
If you want to try your hand on an interesting problem, without writing your own project, then this starter kit is for you.
% Relative arc
% Draws an arc where the center is relative to the current point. Other arguments are like the arc operand.
% arguments
% dx: the amount to shift the center of the arc from the current point in the x-direction
% dy: similar to dx, but shift in the y-direction
% r: radius of the arc
% a: start angle
% b: end angle
% see the arc operator for more information.
/rarc { % dx dy r a b
[/b /a /r /dy /dx] dup length dict begin { exch def } forall
currentpoint % x y
dy % x y dy
add % x (y+dy)
exch % (y+dy) x
dx add exch % (x+dx) (y+dy)
r a b % (x+dx) (y+dy) r a b
} def
% scale to coordinate system to use millimeters
72 25.4 div dup scale
% The dimensions of A5 paper
/page-width 148 def
/page-height 210 def
% translate the coordinate system to the center of the page
page-width 2 div page-height 2 div translate
% Create a procedure to automate the following code
% Think about what arguments the procudure should accept
% and how they relate to the resulting spiral
0 0 moveto
0 0 10 180 0 rarc
20 neg 0 20 0 180 rarc
30 0 30 180 0 rarc
40 neg 0 40 0 180 rarc
Create the above file and view it with a PostScript viewer. There is a spiral drawn.
Unfortunatly the spiral is fixed. The exercise is to create a procudure that draws spirals with these and other characteristics.