
A short overview of common operators and constructs, useful for examples & projects in this guide. See the Reference Manual for the full list.

Stack Manipulation Operators

Stack beforeOperatorStack afterDescription
$$any$$1$$any\ 1$$Push element 1 onto the stack, value can be any literal or name
$$any$$pop$$-$$Discard top element
$$a_{1}\ a_{2}$$exch$$a_{2}\ a_{1}$$Exchange top two elements
$$a_{1}\ a_{2}$$dup$$a_{2}\ a_{1}$$Duplicate top element
$$a_{1}\ \dots\ a_{n}\ n$$copy$$a_{1}\ \dots\ a_{n}\ a_{1}\ \dots\ a_{n}\ $$Duplicate top \( n \) elements
$$a_{n}\ \dots\ a_{0}\ n$$index$$a_{n}\ \dots\ a_{0}\ a_{n}$$Duplicate arbitrary element
$$a_{n-1}\ \dots\ a_{0}\ n\ j$$roll$$a_{(j-1)\ mod\ n}\ \dots\ a_{0}\ a_{n-1}\ \dots a_{j\ mod\ n}$$Roll \( n \) elements up \( j \) times
$$a_{n}\ \dots\ a_{0}$$clear$$-$$Discard all elements
$$a_{n}\ \dots\ a_{0}$$count$$a_{n}\ \dots\ a_{0}\ n$$Count elements on stack

Arithmetic and Math Operators

Stack beforeOperatorStack afterDescription
$$n_{1}\ n_{2}$$add$$sum$$\( n_{1} + n_{2} \)
$$n_{1}\ n_{2}$$sub$$diff$$\( n_{1} - n_{2} \)
$$n_{1}\ n_{2}$$mul$$product$$\( n_{1} \times n_{2} \)
$$n_{1}\ n_{2}$$div$$quotient$$\( n_{1} \div n_{2} \)
$$n$$neg$$-n$$Negative of \( n \)
$$n$$sqrt$$\sqrt{n}$$Square root of \( n \)
$$a$$cos$$\cos{a}$$Cosine of \( a \) degrees
$$a$$sin$$\sin{a}$$Sine of \( a \) degrees
$$-$$rand$$n$$Pseudo-random integer

Array Operators

Stack beforeOperatorStack afterDescription
$$-$$[$$mark$$Start array construction
$$mark\ obj_{0}\ \dots\ obj_{n-1}$$]$$array$$End array construction
$$array$$length$$int$$Number of elements in \( array \)
$$array\ proc$$forall$$-$$Execute \( proc \) for each element of \( array \)

Dictionary Operators

Stack beforeOperatorStack afterDescription
$$n$$dict$$dict$$Create dictionary with capacity \( n \)
$$-$$<<$$mark$$Start dictionary construction
$$mark\ key_{1}\ value_{1}\ \dots\ key_{n}\ value_{n}$$>>$$dict$$End dictionary construction
$$dict$$length$$int$$Number of entries in \( dict \)
$$dict$$begin$$-$$Push \( dict \) on dictionary stack
$$-$$end$$-$$Pop current dictionary off dictionary stack
$$/key\ value$$def$$-$$Associate \( key \) with \( value \) in current dictionary

Relational and Boolean Operators

Stack beforeOperatorStack afterDescription
$$n_{1}\ n_{2}$$eq$$bool$$Test equal
$$n_{1}\ n_{2}$$ne$$bool$$Test not equal
$$n_{1}\ n_{2}$$ge$$bool$$Test greater than or equal
$$n_{1}\ n_{2}$$gt$$bool$$Test greater than
$$n_{1}\ n_{2}$$le$$bool$$Test less than or equal
$$n_{1}\ n_{2}$$gt$$bool$$Test less than
$$-$$true$$\text{true}$$Literal value \( \text{true} \)
$$-$$false$$\text{false}$$Literal value \( \text{false} \)

Control Operators

Stack beforeOperatorStack afterDescription
$$any$$exec$$-$$Execute arbitrary object
$$bool\ proc$$$$if$$$$-$$Execute \( proc \) if \( bool \) is true
$$bool\ proc_{1}\ proc_{2}$$$$ifelse$$$$-$$Execute \( proc_{1} \) if \( bool \) is true, \( proc_{2} \) if false
$$init\ inc\ limit\ proc$$$$for$$$$-$$Execute \( proc \) with values from \( init \) by steps of \( inc \) to \( limit \)
$$n\ proc$$$$repeat$$$$-$$Execute \( proc \) \( n \) times
$$proc$$$$loop$$$$-$$Execute \( proc \) an indefinite number of times
$$-$$$$exit$$$$-$$Exit innermost active loop

Graphics State Operators

Stack beforeOperatorStack afterDescription
$$-$$gsave$$-$$Push graphics state
$$-$$grestore$$-$$Pop graphics state
$$num$$setlinewidth$$-$$Set line width
$$-$$currentlinewidth$$int$$Current line width
$$int$$setlinecap$$-$$Set shape of line ends for stroke (0 = butt, 1 = round, 2 = square)
$$-$$currentlinecap$$int$$Current line cap
$$int$$setlinejoin$$-$$Set shape of corners for stroke (0 = miter, 1 = round, 2 = bevel)
$$-$$currentlinejoin$$int$$Current line join
$$num$$setgray$$-$$Set color to specified gray value (0 = black, 1 = white)

Coordinate System and Matrix Operators

Stack beforeOperatorStack afterDescription
$$t_{x}\ t_{y}$$translate$$-$$Translate user space by \( (t_{x}, t_{y}) \)
$$s_{x}\ s_{y}$$scale$$-$$Translate user space by \( (s_{x}, s_{y}) \)
$$a$$rotate$$-$$Rotate user space by \( a \) degrees

Path Construction Operators

Stack beforeOperatorStack afterDescription
$$-$$newpath$$-$$Initialize current path to be empty
$$-$$currentpoint$$x y$$Return current point coordinates
$$x\ y$$moveto$$-$$Set current point to \( (x, y) \)
$$dx\ dy$$rmoveto$$-$$Perform relative moveto
$$x\ y$$lineto$$-$$Append straight line to \( (x, y) \)
$$dx\ dy$$rmoveto$$-$$Perform relative lineto
$$x\ y\ r\ a_{1}\ a_{2}$$arc$$-$$Append counterclockwise arc, with \( (x, y) \) as the center for a radius of \( r \) from angle \( a_{1} \) to angle \( a_{2} \)
$$x\ y\ r\ a_{1}\ a_{2}$$arcn$$-$$Append clockwise arc
$$x_{1}\ y_{1}\ x_{2}\ y_{2}\ x_{3}\ y_{3}$$curveto$$-$$Append Bézier cubic section
$$-$$closepath$$-$$Connect subpath back to its starting point

Painting Operators

Stack beforeOperatorStack afterDescription
$$-$$erasepage$$-$$Paint current page white
$$-$$stroke$$-$$Draw line along current path
$$-$$fill$$-$$Fill current path with current color

Utility Operators

Stack beforeOperatorStack afterDescription
$$any_{1}\ \dots\ any_{n}$$stack$$any_{1}\ \dots\ any_{n}$$Print stack nondestructively
$$-$$showpage$$-$$Transmit and reset current page

Common constructs


% Everything here is now a comment

Default A5 paper size

See also: Paper Sizes.

/pagewidth 148 def
/pageheight 210 def

Scale the coordinate system to millimeters

See also: Points, Inches and Millimeters.

72 25.4 div dup scale

Center the coordination system on the page

pagewidth 2 div pageheight 2 div translate

Dictionary literals

Creates a dictionary of key-value pairs from the given list, puts the dictionary on the dictionary stack, and later pops it off the stack again.

<</foo 1 /bar 2 /baz 3>> begin

Defining a procedure

Creates a new procedure named proc:

/proc {
} def

Giving names to procedure operands

Creates a new procedure named proc, which expects 3 operands on the stack: x y z.

/proc { % x y z
    [/x /y /z] dup length dict begin { exch def } forall
} def