
We have created a plot of the median.

The median of the filtered brightness

We would like to find planets in it. Finding planets amounts to selecting a transit curve that nicely fits our data. We our going to divide that task in the following sub-tasks.

  1. Generating a transit curve series
  2. Iterating over all transit curve parameters
  3. Scoring each candidate transit curve and selecting the best

Let us create a module for this as well. We will call it fit.

Transit Curves

Multiple periods of a transit curves

The above image shows a typical transit curve where the planet transits the host star multiple times. From this diagram we can learn about the parameters that make up such a transit.

Below we list the parameters important in our transit curve.

  1. Period. The time between the start of one transit and the start of the next transit.
  2. Base. Height of the line, when no planet transits. This is often normalized, but because of the choices we made, we need this parameter.
  3. Depth. How far the luminosity drops when the planets transits. This is related to the size of the planet.
  4. Duration. How long the luminosity stays at full depth.
  5. Decay. How much time it takes the luminosity to go from the base to depth. In our model the attack, i.e. time it takes the luminosity to go from depth back to base, and decay are the same.
  6. Phase. Where in the period does the periodic function start.

Below you find a struct and an implemented constructor that can track this data.

# #![allow(unused_variables)]
#fn main() {
pub struct Transit {
    period: f64,
    base: f64,
    depth: f64,
    duration: f64,
    decay: f64,
    phase: f64,

impl Transit {
    fn new((period, base, depth, duration, decay, phase): (f64,f64,f64,f64,f64,f64)) -> Transit {
        Transit { period, base, depth, duration, decay, phase }

Notice that the new function accepts a tuple of floating point numbers. We will use this when we iterate over the parameters.

What we also want to know is, when we have got a time, what is the corresponding value of this transit curve. For that we are going to implement a value method on `Transit

What we also want to know is, when we have got a time, what is the corresponding value of this transit curve. For that we are going to implement avalue method on Transit.

The interesting times are

  1. Before the decay. The value should be base
  2. During the decay. The value should linearly interpolate between base and base - depth.
  3. During full transit. The value should be base - depth
  4. During the attack. The value should linearly interpolate between base - depth and base.
  5. After the transit. The value should be base.

Implement the above logic into a value method for Transit.

Iterate Parameters

Our transit curve has five parameters. We would like to generate candidate transit curves and check how well they fit our data. This can be accomplished by iterating over the five parameters, and mapping them into a transit curve.


We will first focus on an iterator for a single f64. We want all floating point numbers between a start and finish, increasing each new number with a certain step. We will create a struct that keeps track of where we are.

# #![allow(unused_variables)]
#fn main() {
pub struct FloatIterator {
    start: f64,
    finish: f64,
    step: f64,
    current: u64,

Implementing a new constructor should set the current to 0 and accept start, finish and step as parameters.

Next we need to implement Iterator for FloatIterator. We must import std::iter::Iterator so that we can easily reference it in our code. In the next method of the Iterator trait we need to decide if we need to return a Some or a None. This depends on the our intended return value. I.e. if the value start + step * current is less then or equal to our finish.

# #![allow(unused_variables)]
#fn main() {
impl Iterator for FloatIterator {
    type Item = f64;

    fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> {
        let value = self.start + self.step * (self.current as f64);

        if value <= self.finish {
            self.current += 1;

        } else {

This wraps up our FloatIterator.

Exemplar TupleIterator

Next we are going to create a TupleIterator. It is going to show all the necessary tools to create the actual TupleIterator we want, without getting distracted by the tedious details.

Because we want to express multiple times a range of floating point numbers we are interested in, we are going to create a struct to keep track of start, finish and step.

# #![allow(unused_variables)]
#fn main() {
pub struct FloatRange {
    start: f64,
    finish: f64,
    step: f64,

implementing a new constructor for FloatRange is nothing more than excepting the correct parameters and passing them in the struct. Having a FloatRange allows us to ask it for the value belonging to a certain index. Let's extend the implementation of FloatRange with an index function. The actual implementation looks very familiar.

# #![allow(unused_variables)]
#fn main() {
fn index(&self, index: u64) -> Option<f64> {
    let value = self.start + self.step * (index as f64);

    if value <= self.finish {
    } else {

Now that we can express the floating point range we are interested in, we can use that in our TupleIterator. The responsibility of the TupleIterator is to keep track of two indices into two separate FloatIterator. Because we need to be able to "restart" the FloatIterator we are not actually use a FloatIterator. Instead we choose to do the iterating our selves.

We start with a structure that will keep track for us.

# #![allow(unused_variables)]
#fn main() {
pub struct TupleIterator {
    first: FloatRange,
    second: FloatRange,
    current: (u64, u64),

It looks a lot like the FloatIterator. The main difference is that we need to keep track of two different ranges, and two different indices into these iterators. Implementing a new is just like the FloatIterator little more than accepting the correct parameters and initializing the current indices to (0,0).

Now for implementing Iterator for TupleIterator. It comes down to keeping track of the right indices. Let's look at the implementation.

# #![allow(unused_variables)]
#fn main() {
impl Iterator for TupleIterator {
    type Item = (f64, f64);

    fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> {
        let (first_index, second_index) = self.current;

        match self.first.index(first_index) {
            Some(first_value) => {
                match self.second.index(second_index) {
                    Some(second_value) => {
                        self.current = (first_index, second_index + 1);

                        Some((first_value, second_value))

                    None => {
                        self.current = (first_index + 1, 0);


            None => None,

Reading the code, we discover that we determine two values, one for each FloatRange. If the first FloatRange return None we are done. If it returns some value, we see what the second FloatRange returns. If that also returns some value, we do the following things.

  1. Increment the second index.
  2. Return the tuple of values.

If the second FloatRange doesn't return some value, we know that it exhausted its range. We then increment the first index, resetting the second index. In effect we want to the second iterator from scratch, but with a new first value. Next we use the power of recursion to determine what the value should be with the new indices.

Although it doesn't look pretty, it does its job. It is your task to extend this example to iterate over all transit parameters.


We are going to score a Transit with the least squares method. This method sums the squares of the difference between two series. That is easier said than done. Lets look at following code.

# #![allow(unused_variables)]
#fn main() {
pub fn least_squares(xs: &Vec<f64>, ys: &Vec<f64>) -> f64 {
        .map(|(a,b)| (a-b).powi(2))

We define a function names least_squares that accepts to vectors of floating points numbers. Next we recognize our dear friend: the iter method. We use it on the first vector and zip it with the second vector. On the vector of pairs we map the function that calculates the squared difference. We finish with summing all the numbers, getting our result.

With all the parts in place we are ready to start processing.


We need to compare candidate transit curves with our median, so we need to read our median.csv. Because we would like to process the times and the values separedly we use the unzip trick we learned earlier.

# #![allow(unused_variables)]
#fn main() {
let (times, values): (Vec<f64>, Vec<f64>) = raw

Processing consist for a big part of a main loop that iterates over our transit parameters. This is depend on a number of FloatRanges and this is where you can shine. By looking at your median.csv data you can guess good ranges, and with some luck you will find planets.

We need to keep track of the best transit curve. So we initialize variables before our main loop.

# #![allow(unused_variables)]
#fn main() {
let mut best_score = f64::MAX;
let mut best_transit: Option<Transit> = None;

In order to make use of the f64::MAX we need to import std::f64. Not that the best score will actually be the lowest value, so it is save to initialize it to the maximum value.

Inside our loop, we can create a transit curve from the parameters.

# #![allow(unused_variables)]
#fn main() {
let transit = Transit::new(parameters);

The transit can be used to determine the values at the times we observed by mapping over the times and using the value method.

# #![allow(unused_variables)]
#fn main() {
let transit_values: Vec<f64> = times.iter().map(|t| transit.value(t)).collect();

Scoring is little more than calling the right function.

# #![allow(unused_variables)]
#fn main() {
let score = least_squares(&transit_values, &values);

Now that we have the score, we need to compare it with the best score we now about, and update our best candidate accordingly.

# #![allow(unused_variables)]
#fn main() {
if score < best_score {
    best_score = score;
    best_transit = Some(transit.clone());

When the loop finishes we would like to know which transit is the best. So we prepare to print it to console, and calculate the actual values, which you can write to a CSV file.

# #![allow(unused_variables)]
#fn main() {
let best_transit = best_transit.unwrap();
let best_transit_values: Vec<f64> = times.iter().map(|t| best_transit.value(t)).collect();
println!("{:?}", best_transit);

let result = times.iter().zip(best_transit_values);

Lets fly through our candidates and see what planet you can find.

Further Considerations

How do you know that you implemented the various libraries correctly? Have you tested them?

The way that we generate our transit parameters is going through all possible values. This seems a bit wastefull. Can you come up with a better way? Discussing your thoughts with somebody.

We used the method of least squares to score a transit curve. What other scoring mechanism can you think of. What difference would it make?